Strengthening Dialogue

Online training in a groundbreaking method for supporting people

A dialogue method that goes beyond traditional coaching and provides significantly better and more sustainable results.

How do I support someone who has “unsolvable” problems? How do I coach young people who have lost the spark and given up? How can I be empowering without becoming overburdened myself? The Strengthening Dialogue method leads to the individuals you support tapping into their own potential and capacity, which also frees up time and energy for you in your job.

Common results of using the Strengthening Dialogue method are that:

  • the individuals you support tap into their own potential and capacity
  • less time is spent on each individual conversation
  • conversations you have produce concrete results
  • you as a supporter save energy and feel less stressed and burdened
  • the individuals you support feel they are treated with respect
  • the results are sustainable

In the programme, you learn an approach that allows those you support to tap into their full power and capacity without losing energy yourself. You will become aware of your strengths and pitfalls and receive a lot of individual feedback from the trainer. You can expect new insights and new approaches – with surprising results.

For whom?

Strengthening Dialogue is a course for those who work with people in need of support in their life situation. Perhaps you work in social services and meet people with mental health problems or addiction, young people who have fallen through the cracks, people from marginalised backgrounds. Regardless of the basic problem, you and the people you meet will benefit greatly from applying the Strengthening Dialogue method.


Theory part:

  • Six cornerstones for an empowering approach
  • The dialogue method: active listening, asking powerful questions, giving straight and honest feedback

Practical part:

  • Practising conversations that have an “awakening effect”
  • Practise giving empowering and straightforward feedback
  • Practise placing the responsibility with the person you are supporting


The cost is £400 or €490 or $530 excl. VAT including all materials.

Strengthening Dialogue -> Course format

The training will take place online using Zoom. The programme consists of five half days in 3 modules. The first two modules take place over one afternoon (12:30 – 4 pm BST) and the following morning (9 am – 12 pm BST). The third module is one afternoon (12:30 – 4 pm BST). Between each module there are a few weeks for you to try out your learnings at work.All sessions include practical training and tailored individual feedback.


The cost is £400 or €490 or $530 excl. VAT including all materials.

About the method

Relating to someone as capable even when they seem completely helpless, being both empathetic and challenging at the same time, is what research shows gives the best results. But how do you DO it? It is difficult and requires practice. Consistently relating to capacity and potential is the core of our methodology and what gives such tangible results.

When working with people who are stuck in resignation and powerlessness, it is easy to become resigned yourself and give up hope of change for them. It is easy to end up trying to compensate for their helplessness with encouragement, project management or hands-on help.

What is surprising to the support workers we train is that their own attitude is so crucial to their ability to support someone else. Whether you have given up on someone or not is crucial to whether change can happen. Therefore, the person providing support must develop an empowering mindset and way of being, confront their pitfalls, and train in conversations that lead to people tapping into their full potential.

One of the skills you need to develop is to speak in plain language, to talk openly and honestly about what is getting in the way. This may sound easy in theory, but conducting this type of dialogue with respect and empathy requires a lot of practice. Most people do not have this ability naturally, but it is developed through dialogue training.

What is needed to support someone to solve their own “unsolvable” problems is thus:

·   A coaching approach which includes respect, empathy and equality

·   The ability to identify your client’s unproductive mindsets

·   To give the individual the opportunity to change his/her mindset in the dialogue

If you master the method and become proficient, those you support will choose to bring out their capacity and solve their seemingly unsolvable problems. Achieving this skill requires training.

"Powerful tool to use in all types of conversations. Gets a relationship moving forward." – Strengthening Dialogue course participant
"I haven't had this much fun and challenge in a long time. Incredibly stimulating!" – Strengthening Dialogue course participant