Strengthening Dialogue
Online training in a groundbreaking method for supporting people
Strengthening Dialogue is a method that goes beyond traditional coaching and is more straightforward and effective to get greater results.
The strength of the method is that you get skilled in relating and communicating in a way that makes your clients choose to bring forth their own capacity – they start to take responsibility and act in powerful ways. Besides shortening the session time and creating real results, it also unburdens the person who supports.

Who is this for?
The online training Strengthening Dialogue is for anyone who is supporting individuals on a daily basis. It could be in the context of coaching/supporting jobseekers, counselling, social services or teaching. There is no previous knowledge required.

Our programmes
The programme is offered in three different versions, one aimed at job coaches, one aimed at teachers and one aimed at people in other general support situations. The training consist of 5 half day sessions.

Our trainers
Our trainers master training in the method for many years and are experts in giving all participants spot-on individual feedback.

We have a big fan club of job coaches, counsellors and teachers that benefit from integrating the method in their everyday – supporting job seekers and others.
"I could see in real time as we were practicing… what a massive change just a small adjustment in being could have."View video
"It just took our relationships and the trust that we had for one another to another level."View video
"The difference in the individuals and what came out for them, was quite significant."View video
"Incredibly educational, more self-insight and concrete tools that will make me a more trustworthy and better coach – all colleagues and managers should attend this training."