Online training in a groundbreaking method for supporting people
How important is a person’s mindset in whether they get offered a job or not? Most professionals supporting and coaching jobseekers would say it is critical! So, if this is true, how do you help someone to change their mindset? That is the core of the Tuff Coaching Job Seekers Training methodology – and that is what makes it so effective.
Tuff Coaching Job Seekers Training is a dialogue method that goes beyond traditional coaching and leads to much greater impact and results. Job seekers tap into their own capacity, thus lightening the burden of the job coaches. The strength of the method is that coaches learn to relate and communicate in a way that makes job seekers choose to develop their own capacity. What happens is they start to take responsibility and act in a more powerful way. The method was developed by Karin Tenelius in the mid-1990s and has since then been used by thousands of users in employment agencies, municipalities, job centres and universities.
You can read more about the method here.
The online training Coaching Job Seekers is for job coaches who are supporting job seekers on a daily basis. There is no previous knowledge required. We teach the dialogue method to professionals such as job coaches, career counsellors, and employment advisors.
The cost is £400 or €490 or $530 excl. VAT including all materials.
The training will take place online using Zoom. The programme consists of five half days in 3 modules. The first two modules are one afternoon (12:30 – 4 pm BST) and the following morning (9 am – 12 pm BST). The third module is just one afternoon (12:30 – 4 pm BST). Between each module there are a few weeks for you to try out your learnings at work. All sessions include practical training and tailored individual feedback.
The book Coaching Job Seekers by Karin Tenelius is a tool for those who work individually or in groups with people in different job search situations, but also for those who in other contexts have the task of supporting others in their development.
"I could see in real time as we were practicing… what a massive change just a small adjustment in being could have."View video
"It just took our relationships and the trust that we had for one another to another level."View video
"The difference in the individuals and what came out for them, was quite significant."View video
"Incredibly educational, more self-insight and concrete tools that will make me a more trustworthy and better coach – all colleagues and managers should attend this training."